Relax and leave it to the Pro's!
At AFFORDABLE BEST CLEANING we pride ourselves on value. We are committed to offering the best value possible to our customers.
This doesn't just mean the cheapest service, it means we give our customers the most for their hard earned money. 
We do believe in offering exceptional service at rates almost everyone can afford, but we also believe in giving our customers the best value for every dollar they spend.
We give our customers more than just a clean house, we give them peace of mind.
We guarantee the best value by customizing a cleaning plan that fits your specific needs based and goals.
 We know every customer has different goals and we specialize in finding the most efficient way to meet those goals.

What do we mean by that? Let's give some examples.....
Say we have a single mother of one little boy. 
She may need the whole house dusted and vacuumed weekly but need the restrooms and her son's room deep cleaned every other week. We would develop a plan to do just that so she doesn't have to pay for anything she doesn't need!
 Our next example is a family of 5.
 This family may need the family room, kitchen and bathrooms deep cleaned every week but the bedrooms only vacuumed since the kids are old enough to pick up after themselves and help with the dusting.
Think of the money these families will save by going with a Custom cleaning plan rather than hiring a chain cleaning service that treats all 500 million of their customers exactly the same!
We have a well trained staff of cleaners and team leaders. Our team leaders usually have 5 years or more with the company and have extensive knowledge.
 We send the same team leaders to your house consistantly which adds value in a couple of ways.
 First the team leaders become familiar with your specific needs and preferences as well as your lifestyle and schedule. 
Secondly you begin to get to know and trust your team leader which increases your peace of mind. Finally the team leaders can help modify your custom cleaning plan to fit your ever changing needs. An Example? Sure! Let's say you need to move your next cleaning day so that it occurs right before your daughters birthday party so your house will be spotless for the company. No problem, leave your team leader a note and she'll get the schedule changed for you. Another example? No problem. Suppose springtime rolls around and you notice the outside of the windows could use a cleaning but the family room hasn't been used much since your family has been outside a lot. No problem, just let your team leader know or leave them a note while you go out for a pedicure and they'll take care of it. This custom fit cleaning plan along with a great working relationship between customers and team leaders brings peace of mind, cost savings, trust and above all value to our customers and their families for more than 10 years

We don't cut cornters..... we get into them!